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最新云南大理英文导游词 最新云南大理英文导游词5篇 朋友们,大理白族自治州,首府驻大理市,是云南的16个地级行政区之一,那么你现在知道导游词是怎么样子了吗?小编在这里给大家分享一些最新云南大理英文导游词,希望对大家能有所帮助。 最新云南大理英文导游词【篇1】 Dear visitors, today we come to is one of suzhou classical garden, the humble administrator's garden. Humble administrator's garden has a very long history. Covers an area of 78 mu, the dominated points east, middle and west part, was built in the Ming dynasty zhengde four years. Legend Wang Xianchen in jin dynasty pan yue from ratio, pan yue's "a recluse" have such a words: "when a cloud of tzu chi, build room to plant trees, free and unfettered. Ponds to fishing, fishing in the spring of tax DaiGeng. Irrigation garden greens of porridge, for one day meal; sheep free cheese, to initiate v la fee. Xiao on but, friends in brothers, this is the place of those who were compensated." Wang Xianchen take the "compensated" 2 words for YuanMing, to vent YuFen chests. Such a beautiful environment, visitors, please pay attention to health, keep clean. Visitors, we now come to the ten views pond, I believe you have seen, full of lotus pool together open, very beautiful, you can later took photos here. Some of these lotus or bud, sleek, some have grown out of the small lotus, lotus also have a plenty of new shoots. Please take good care of the lotus, don't throw rubbish into the pool. Visitors, we now come to the iraqis. Iraqis in the garden has a lot of fragrant flowers, there are various kinds of unusual shape stone. Flower colors here to is a fairyland! You can stand on the stone photos, can be photographed. Visitors, now we come to the humble administrator's garden is the only a covered bridge - small flying. Scarlet lounge Bridges are reflected in the water, water waves, like flying. Rainbow, it is after a storm comes a calm after a brilliant we across the land, the ancients to rainbow YuQiao, wonderful. It is not only a conn

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