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小学一年级英语教案优秀范文2024 小学一年级英语教案优秀范文20_ 小学教育是基础教育的起点,是培养和造就人才的关键阶段,为了顺利地通过这一阶段应该从儿童兴趣入手,实施“兴趣教育”,在此基础上全方位地提高学生的思想素质、科学文化素质、身体与心理素质。以下是小编整理的小学一年级英语教案,希望可以提供给大家进行参考和借鉴。 小学一年级英语教案范文一:熟悉单词及词组的音与型 teaching aids: pictures and word cards.procedurecontentmethodpurposepre-task preparationreview words: bag, pen, pencil, rubber, ruler, book1.show pupils the pictures and ask, “what’s on the desk?”p: bag, pencil…2. then take one away, and ask pupils to say what is missing.1.通过看图,帮助学生回忆所学单词。2.用小游戏(让学生猜猜少了哪样东西)帮助学生复习已学词汇。while-task procedure 1.introduction: one, two, three, fourshow pupils the pictures and read the words: one, two, three, four.借助图片引入单词。2. imitation1.ask pupils to read ”one, two, three, four.”2.ask pupils to change their voices to read the phrases.one______two ______sthree ______sfour _______s1.学生经过师机械操练,逐步熟悉1——4的读法。2.用改变音调的方法吸引学生,让他们进一步模仿跟读,从单词过渡到词组。3. a game: yes or no.show pupils pictures and word cards, then read the words and phrases.if teacher is right or wrong, pupils say “yes” or “no”.通过简单的正误判断,让学生熟悉单词及词组的音与型。4. an activity(listen and show)say the number “one, two, three, four.” ask pupils to follow and show their fingers.say the phrases “one bag, two pencils…” ask pupils to follow and show the objects. 通过活动,强化了学生发音,也检验了他们对词义的理解。tpr能使学生放松心情,尽情地参与活动。5. a guessing gameshow pupil the pictures of some animals and ask, “how many…?”p: guess the number.t: show the answer.让学生猜猜每种小动物分别有多少,通过“猜”,让学生把数字自然地用到回答中。post-task activitiesan activitywhat’s in sam’s bag?p1: let the deskmate look at picture a, and say, “what’s in sam’s bag. how many are there?”(four pens, two rulers…)p2: listen and tick it.(fin

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