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冀教版初一上学期英语教案.docx 第1页
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冀教版初一上学期英语教案.docx 第3页
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冀教版初一上学期英语教案 冀教版初一上学期英语教案4篇 每个英语教师要高度重视英语学科教学,重视学生英语基础知识的学习和掌握。每个初一七年级英语老师都要写初一七年级英语教案,初一七年级英语教案能够提高他们的教学质量。你是否在找正准备撰写“冀教版初一上学期英语教案”,下面小编收集了相关的素材,供大家写文参考! 冀教版初一上学期英语教案篇1 教学目标 To learn to communicate with each other by talking about the weather. To have the ability to make a weather forecast. To analyze the relations between the weather and our environment . IV. Emotion goal: Through the activities of talking about the weather and things around us, students show their concern for others , the environment and our society. 教学重难点 Learn the following expressions: How is it going? Not bad/ Great/Terrible/Pretty good How is the weather? ---It’s raining! What are you doing? —I’m watching TV. 教学工具 课件 教学过程 Step 1 Revision and Leading What’s the weather like today? How is the weather today? ---It’s… How are you today? How is it going ( with you)? Not bad/ Great/Terrible/Pretty good Look at the picture How is the weather in Beijing? What is he doing? He is watching TV. How is the weather in .. Where do you want to go? What’s your favorite weather? Now you are in …. This is .. How is it going? How is the weather in … What are you doing? Make a conversation by telephone (orally in the class ) Step 2 Practice Look at the picture1 and picture 2 Where are they? What are they doing? How is the weather? What about in picture two The boys are Paying basketball in picture one , but they are playing baseball in Picture two. It’s sunny in Picture 1, but it’s raining in Picture 2. Look at the picture 3 and 4. tell us the difference of the two pictures Step 3 Game part 4 Now let’s play a game in Part four. The boys are Paying basketball in picture one , but they are playing baseball in Picture two. Step 4 Homework Do the work book Copy words Make a survey about the weather your father and mother like and the rea

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