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八年级下册英语第七单元教案.docx 第1页
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八年级下册英语第七单元教案 八年级下册英语第七单元教案3篇 英语老师要继续加强对教材的钻研,学习先进的教学方法,让学生取得更大进步。在英语教学中,写一篇初二八年级英语教案对所有初二八年级英语老师来说是非常重要的。你是否在找正准备撰写“八年级下册英语第七单元教案”,下面小编收集了相关的素材,供大家写文参考! 八年级下册英语第七单元教案篇1 教学目标 一、知识与技能 1. 掌握重点词汇和短语。 2. 培养学生的阅读能力及技巧。 3. 复习、运用过去进行时。 二、过程与方法 训练法,熟能生巧法,通过练习巩固复习所学知识。 三、情感态度与价值观 培养学生在灾害面前要更团结,更友善,更懂得互相帮助。 教学重点 1. 掌握重点词汇和短语。 2. 复习、运用过去进行时。 教学难点 1. 培养学生的阅读能力及技巧。 2. when和while的区别。 教法导航 教师引导,学生自主探究,小组合作。 学法导航 自主探究与小组合作相结合。 教学准备 多媒体。 教学过程 Step 1 Greetings Greet the students as usual. Step 2 Revision Ask students to talk about what they were doing last night in groups of four then give a report. Step 3 Presentation Ask the students to look at the picture and think about what has happened. Step 4 Reading 3a, Read the passage quickly and answer the following questions 1. What was the weather like before the heavy rain started? 2. What was the neighborhood like after the storm? Ask some students to report their answers. 3b, Read the passage again and complete the sentences using information from the passage. 1. When the news on TV was reported,strong winds _____________ outside. 2. While Ben’s mom was making sure the radio was working,his dad _____________. 3. Ben _____________________ when the heavy rain finally started. 4. When Ben _______________at 3:00 a.m.,the wind _________________. Ask some students to report their answers. Step 5 Speaking 3c, Discuss the questions with a partner. “Although the storm broke many things apart,it brought families and neighbors closer together.”What other can bring people closer together? How can we help each other in times of difficulty? Ask some students to report their answer

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