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最新第一次董事会会议纪要(22篇).docx 第1页
最新第一次董事会会议纪要(22篇).docx 第2页
最新第一次董事会会议纪要(22篇).docx 第3页
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最新第一次董事会会议纪要(22篇) 第一次董事会会议纪要一minutes of the first meeting of the board of directors of maplink limited (‘the company’) held at 44 princess diana walk, south kensington, london, w2 3sl on 15 may 20_ at 10.00 a.m. present: thomas shapiro dimitris yavaprapas in attendance: gisela wirth 1. thomas shapiro and dimitris yavaprapas accepted office as directors of the company. it was resolved that thomas shapiro be appointed chairman of the board. 2. it was resolved that arthur wang be appointed solicitor to the company. 3. it was resolved that gisela wirth be appointed secretary of the company. 4. it was resolved that the registered office be at 44 princess diana walk south kensington, london, w2 3sl. 5. it was resolved that the quorum necessary for the transaction of the business of the directors should be two directors personally present. 6. a draft notice of an extraordinary general meeting of the company was presented to the meeting and approved. it was further resolved that such meeting be convened and that notice of this be provided forthwith to the shareholders. 7. the meeting thereupon adjourned. upon resumption it was reported that the resolutions set out in the notice of the extraordinary general meeting had been passed respectively as ordinary and special resolutions of the company. 8. upon there being no further competent business the meeting was then declared closed by the chairman. chairman 第一次董事会会议纪要二xx培训部股东会暨第一届董事会于2xx年4月28日下午三点在太湖西路18号国华大厦召开,会议由魏文品同志主持,胡立聪、陈平、吴立俊、潘国志参加,朱玉芬、郑丽娟列席了会议,会议讨论了公司章程、筹备事宜等,并通过举手表决的方式选举产生了董事会及相关人选,现将会议讨论形成的相关决议纪要如下: 一、 举手表决通过了xx培训部章程。 二、 会议决定魏文品同志作为学校举办人负责学校相关行政许可程序申报工作,委派陈平、潘国志同志具体办理。 三、 选举产生了魏文品同志为xx培训学校董事长,并作为法人代表。陈红珍、陈平、吴立俊、潘国志为董事,五人共同组成培训学校董事会

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