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Unit1 Collegeculture.docx

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Unit 1 College culture   Vocabulary and structure 1 Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in the box.   characterize industrial profound denounce ultimately launch issue prospect protest bracelet frustration opportunity gender destruction emphasize 1 The manager decided to a sales promotion. 2 The fate of a nation is dependent upon the quality of its people and its leaders. 3 Hundreds of people took to the streets to against police brutalities. 4 The 1980s were by high inflation and high unemployment. 5 The question of pay is not an important at the moment. 6 There are far more now for school leavers than there were 50 years ago. 7 A charm is an item of jewellery worn around the wrist. 8 He that all the people taking part in the research were volunteers. 9 Scientific discoveries are often applied to production methods. 10 Many species are in danger because of our of their natural habitat. 11 The scientists found no relationship between weight and the students' race or . 12 The and sadness almost overwhelmed me as I felt I was discarded and I thought for sure I would never pick up my pen to write. 13 The mother's behaviour has a(n) impact on the developing child. 14 China provides the finest for overseas investors. 15 The president's speech _________________ the killing of hostages by the terrorists.   2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the expressions in the box.   by definition; in descending order; give rise to; stand for; make sense; be associated with; pass over; drop out; sit up; form an alliance with; set up; keep off; bring sb / sth to one's / its knees     1 I had to all night writing the report. 2 Her name will ever the women's liberation. 3 Innovation and creativity are, ____________ , not orderly, and not regulated. 4 The coal miners' strike the economy . 5 The company top US companies in the e-commerce industry. 6 The numbers are arranged . 7
Unit1 Collegeculture.docx

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