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2024-2025学年译林版英语六年级上册期末易错题过关训练(含答案) 第1页
2024-2025学年译林版英语六年级上册期末易错题过关训练(含答案) 第2页
2024-2025学年译林版英语六年级上册期末易错题过关训练(含答案) 第3页
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译林版六年级上册期末英语 易错题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 目录 一、动词的时态:重语境,抓关键 1 二、超级易混:多与少 2 三、一般疑问句:三类词最前边,some变any,三单过去变原形。 3 四、连词辨析-肯定and否定or 3 五、特殊句式:祈使句与感叹句。 4 六、特殊疑问句-问啥答啥是特殊。 4 七、代词易错精选-强调:动副词组,代词放中间。 5 八、情境交际-注意中英有别 5 九、短语与固定搭配精选 6 十、易混动词辨析 6 十一、易混名词辨析 7 十二、中西文化精选 7 十三、冠词用法辨析 8 十四、天气类词用法辨析:分清名,形,动。 8 十五、情态动词的用法 9 十六、介词用法辨析 9 一、动词的时态:重语境,抓关键 1.My father often ______ us some stories when I was four years old. (      ) A.tells B.says C.told 2.Little mouse bit the net with his teeth and soon he ________ a big hole. (      ) A.make B.made C.did 3.He ______ to a party last year. (     ) A.wasn’t go B.didn’t have C.didn’t go 4.—This morning, I ______ an egg, some bread and some juice, How about you? (      ) —I ______ some noodles. A.had; ate B.ate; had C.ate; ate 5.My grandma often _____ me stories. She _____ me a great one last night. (     ) A.talks; talked B.tells; telled C.tells; told 6.My sister ______ many sweets last year. Now she doesn’t like ______ sweets. (     ) A.eats; eating B.ate; eating C.ate; eats 7.—____ did you ____ last week? (      ) —I visited my grandmother. A.Where; do B.Where; go C.What; do D.What; go 8.Mr. Smith _______ swimming every weekend. But he _______ do it last week. (       ) A.goes; didn’t B.goes; doesn’t C.went; didn’t 9.—Does Mike often ________ kites at the weekend? (      ) —No, but he __________ kites with me last Saturday. A.fly; fly B.flew; flew C.fly; flew 10.Twenty years ago, my grandpa ______ news in the newspapers. (      ) A.reads B.read C.is reading 11.I ate an apple ______. I am going to eat an orange ______. (      ) A.yesterday; tomorrow B.now; yesterday C.yesterday; now 12.My father ______ letters ______ his

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