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四年级下册英语期末复习(情景交际与排序)人教.docx 第1页
四年级下册英语期末复习(情景交际与排序)人教.docx 第2页
四年级下册英语期末复习(情景交际与排序)人教.docx 第3页
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人教版( PEP )小学英语四年级下册期末复习(情景交际与排序 、附答案 ) 一、情 景交际 1. 选择合适的问句。 ⑴ It's Jim's. ________         A. What colour is the sweater? ⑵ They're black.________     B. Is this your shirt? ⑶ It's blue.________          C. Where is my jacket? ⑷ It's on the chair.________   D. What colour are the pants? ⑸ Yes, it is.________          E. Whose hat is this? 2. 将下列句子与相应的答语匹配。 ⑴ Can I go outside ? ________                    A. It's sunny. ⑵ Is it cold now?________                        B. Yes , you can. ⑶ What time is it?________                       C. Yes , it is. ⑷ Where are you?________                       D. It's 10 : 00 a . m. ⑸ What's the weather like in New York?________   E . I'm in Beijing. 3. 选出句子对应的答语。 ⑴ Can I help you? ________      A. Of course. ⑵ Are they OK?________         B. Yes. ⑶ Can I try them on?________    C. Thank you. ⑷ Here you are!________         D. No. They're too small. 4. 给下列句子选择合适的答语。 ① What’s the weather like in New York? ________     A. No, it's not. It’s warm. ② Hi, Lily. This is Chen Jie ________     B. It’s rainy. ③ How about Toronto ?Is it hot? ________     C. Hi Chen Jie. ④ 24 degrees! That's cold! ________     D. Yes, it is 5. 选出正确的应答语。 ⑴ Where is the art room ? ________            A. Yes, it is. ⑵ Do you a music room ? ________             B. It's a new computer. ⑶ Is that the teacher's office? ____ ____         C. Forty-five. ⑷ What's on the teacher's desk? ________       D. It's on the first floor. ⑸ How many students are there? ________      E. Yes, I do. 6. 选出对应的答句。 ⑴ Are these yours? ________              A. It's pink. ⑵ What colour is the shirt?________      B. It's under the s ofa. ⑶ Is this your shirt, Dad?________        C. No, it isn't. ⑷ Where's my hat?________              D. No , they aren't. 7. 选择合适的答语。 ⑴ Is this your sweater?________ ⑵ Whose shorts are these?________ ⑶ What colour is your

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