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关于七年级下学期班主任工作计划汇总(四篇).docx 第1页
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关于七年级下学期班主任工作计划汇总(四篇).docx 第3页
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关于七年级下学期班主任工作计划汇总(四篇) 关于七年级下学期班主任工作计划汇总一七年级英语教学反思推荐度:七年级下册英语单词推荐度:七年级英语教学计划推荐度:七年级英语下册教学计划推荐度:七年级下数学备课组教学计划推荐度:相关推荐就快期末考了吧,小编今天得空为大家整理了七年级下英语试题答案,希望对您有帮助~ 测试时间90分钟,满分100分 (    )1. a  it is funny.          b.it is cloudy.        c.it is boring. (    )2. a.she’s tall.           b.she’s a nurse.      c.she likes beef. (    )3. a.at seven yesterday.   b. on sunday.         c. at seven o’clock. (    )4. a.i can play chess.      b.i can play basketball in the sports club. c.he can play the violin. (    )5. a it was windy..        b.it wa s great.        c. it was friendly. (    ) 6. where are they? a. in  the museum.       b. in the classroom.       c. in the hospital. (    )7. what does the man think of his vacation? a. terrible..         b. boring.          c. wonderful. (    ) 8. can jim answer the phone? a. yes, he can.           b. no, he can’t.            c. we don’t know. (    ) 9. what would the woman like? a. she’d like tea.       b. she’d like coffee . doesn’t mind tea or coffee. (    ) 10. does the man like the weather? a. yes, he does.          b. no, he doesn’t.             c. i don’t know. 听第一段长对话,回答第11-12 小题 (     ) 11. what does the girl want to see? a. pandas.           .                 c. koalas. (    ) does the boy like elephants ? a. because they are cute .          b. because they are interesting . e they are dangerous. 听第二段长对话,回答第13-15 小题 。 (    ) can they listen to music ? a. in the classroom.      b. in the hallways. c. in the music room. (    ) 14. where can they eat in school ? a. in the classroom    b. in the dining hall. c. in the teachers’ office. (    ) can’t they wear in class? can’t wear hats.     b. they can’t wear dresses. can’t wear shirts. hi, jack. i’m bob. i want to tell you about my trip. it was really great. i went to the 16     with

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