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公共管理英语各单元全文翻译 第1页
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公共管理英语各单元全文翻译 Unit 1 Opening Administration to the Public Citizens of Bengbu City, Anhui Province, now have the opportunity to be a visitor at municipal(市政的) government meetings, thanks to the government's recent efforts to open its administration-adopting the Measures for Inviting Citizens to listen to the Administrative Meeting, which (生效,实施)on December 16, 2001. 安徽省蚌埠市的群众现在有机会 出席旁听市政府的召开的会议了,这主要是得益于市政府最近采用并制定的开 放 式行政管理的措施而邀请市民出席旁听政府的一些行政管理方面的会议。Ten citizens are invited to be present at each meeting on administrative affairs 行政事务. The number of citizen listeners invited to very important meeting can vary. The listeners can be deputies(代 表 ) to the city's people's congress, members of the local committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, personages(要 人 , 名 流 ) of democratic parties, members of the Association of Industry and Commerce and others. They must be at least 18 years of age, and willingly to be a visitor at the meeting.邀请出席每一次行政事务会议旁 听的市民,受邀旁听市民的人数是根据会议的重要程度而定的。旁听者可能是 市 人大代表、政协委员、民主党派成员、工商企业协会的成员和其他人士等等。 应 邀旁听人员必须年满 18 岁,并且愿意出席旁听。 Listeners can (通过??发表意见)the government office in a written form.旁听者可以以书面的方式向政府的有关部门反映他们的意见。Increasing Transparency 增加透明度 On the basis of (饮水工程) carried out in some cities and countries, Guangdong Province has asked its governments at or above county level to open their administrative affairs during the first half of this year.在一些城市和国家落实贯彻解决群众饮水的问题,广东省要求县以上的各级政府 在今年上半年里落实让群众旁听政府组织召开的行政事务会议的制度。 All affairs relating to laws and regulations and to administrative decisions that people must follow, as long as they do not involve secrets of the Party or the Central Government, should be op

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